Rising Vacations creates customized tours in Europe for curious travellers who want to live authentic experiences and build unforgettable memories. Believing in the importance of consulting clients to understand their needs, likes and travel style, each Rising Vacation agent has been trained to provide the highest professional, competent and courteous service. With the aim to immerse travellers deeply into European cultures and their nuances, each trip starts at the preparation stage itself.
Europe is a word which comes from the ancient Greek (Εὐρώπη) and refers to the myth of the Phoenician princess Europa who was seduced by Zeus and taken to the island of Crete. One of the meanings of Europe is “wide-gaze: the capacity to be forward-looking towards the results of our actions. An emblem of this capacity is the Phoenix, a legendary bird capable of rising from its own ashes, embodying longevity, immortality and powerfully symbolizing spiritual and physical rebirth.
From this point of view, the Phoenix represents Europe well. Since ancient times Europe has been a continent of distinct cultures that have joined and mixed to generate new ones, always rising after a long history of events that have taken place throughout the centuries.
Rising Vacations chooses to present some of the many experiences that clients can enjoy in each country. This is to guide and address the perfect choice of the country to visit based on what each client really wants to experience. Let your expectations be met, and let your interests and wishes lead you in the discovery of new European experiences!
PLAN YOUR TRIP or contact us for more information.